Olé Olive Leaf Extract 500 ml

USD 59.00

Whether it is the fresh-picked origin of the leaf, the history of expertise pertinent to the growers of Olé olive trees, or the branch-to-bottle processing… the reasons for choosing Olé are as wide as the benefits you derive from making that choice.

Contents: 500 ml

  • Shipping : USD 6.85

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    For many centuries, the fresh leaves of the olive tree have been used as a medicine. Olive leaves have a long history of use as herbal tonic to support the body’s cardiovascular function. It is also widely considered as the ultimate natural defender of your immune system, alleviating symptoms of cold, flu, and common cough. Olive leaf extract comes from the leaves of olive plants, is distinct from olive oil because it contains phenolics such as oleuropein which appears to have many more health benefts.