USD 68.00
A delicious natural food formula inspired by the Okinawa diet, Kenta is a peach flavoured powdered drink derived from fermented Japanese soy, rice and sweet potato. Prescribed by doctors and confirmed in studies, Kenta has a human growth hormone balancing effect resulting in improved strength, health and wellness.
Contents: 22 Sachets
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Ageing-related conditions consist of degenerative, atrophy/wasting illnesses, and mood disorders. This is due to lowering of the youth hormone, or Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is naturally produced in our body when we are young.
Human growth hormones can turn back your body’s internal clock, helping bone density, build muscle mass, slash fat, and improve skin suppleness. The active ingredients in Kenta stimulate the production of the HGH naturally in the body, as it is important for preserving youthful vigour, looks and strength.
Kenta is a delicious natural food formula inspired by the Okinawa diet, famed for being extremely nutritious and promoting longevity
Okinawa in Japan is known as the ‘Village of Long Life’. People there are recorded to have among the longest life expectancies in the world, and the secret lies in their traditional diet. Because of their healthy lifestyle and special diet, Okinawans are also noted for having significantly lower mortality rates caused by cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
The formula uses fermented vegetation to stimulate natural production of the youth hormone. It is clinically proven to safely and naturally boost the anti-ageing markers by 120% in just 30 days*. Unlike other anti-ageing products in the market, Kenta does not contain any hormones or growth factors, therefore long-term use does not cause a shutdown of internal hormone production.
*Test results are based on current scientific and clinical knowledge. They are required to be interpreted in accordance with the standards and practices of the testing adopted and are subject to the same limitations as applicable to such methodologies.
- Fermented Soybeans (Natto)
- Fermented Soy Paste (Miso)
- Japanese Sweet Potato (Satsumaimo)
- Fermented Sweet Sticky Rice (Mochi)
How to Consume:
- Take one (1) sachet a day for 5 consecutive days, followed by 2 rest days. For best results, take before dinner.
Celeste Cheah, Malaysia
Andy, Singapore
Yasodha Balakrishnan, Malaysia
Kenta is made from Natto which elevates Human Growth Hormone (HGH) secretion and improves cardiovascular health. It also has Vitamin K2 which helps give you healthier bones.
The Miso in Kenta helps regulate sleep and improves moods and skin health. Satsumaimo stimulates the pituitary gland, while flavonoids help protect cells from damage by free radicals. The Mochi in Kenta is rich in Vitamins B and C and helps increase energy levels and stamina.
Kenta stimulates your pituitary gland to secrete Human Growth Hormone (HGH) naturally and as a result, helps cell renewal with age reversing benefits. Kenta also delivers antioxidants that help fight free radicals which contribute to age-related symptoms.
Overstimulating or continuously stimulating the pituitary gland may cause it to lose its ability to produce growth hormone unaided. Kenta gently stimulates the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone naturally for the 5 days and then you allow it to work on its own for the following two days.
For best results and optimum absorption into the body, it is best to consume Kenta on an empty stomach.
Different people respond differently to Kenta. If you are allergic to soy or soya protein, do not consume Kenta. If you suffer from peptic ulcers, gout or from a very sensitive stomach, make sure you are cured before taking Kenta. Some patients may experience a healing crisis, but it is very rare. You may experience muscle cramps or mild rashes. These will go away after 2-3 weeks, when your body adjusts to taking Kenta regularly.
It is not compulsory to exercise but it helps your body become more receptive to Kenta if you do. Remember that only taking supplements will not make you healthy. A balanced diet and exercise are also necessary for optimum health.
Proteins contain amino acids that are the building blocks for new cells. Kenta stimulates the production of more growth hormone, but amino acids are also required to produce new cells.
This routine is designed to help your body feel the effects of Kenta faster. It will help you feel stronger and fresher sooner. After a month, your body does not need as much to maintain these effects.
It takes 6 months to feel the optimal benefits of Kenta. We recommend continuing Kenta indefinitely to go one enjoying its benefits.
If you are enjoying the benefits of Kenta, there is no reason for you to stop because it is an all-natural product with no artificial flavours, colours, preservatives or GMO ingredients added. However, if you decide to stop consuming Kenta, your body will tend go back to the state it was in before.
Soy does not cause hypothyroidism but may interfere with medication taken to treat hypothyroidism. Patients with hypothyroidism are therefore advised not to consume Kenta.
Kenta stimulates your pituitary gland to increase human growth hormone production to a certain level. If your body needs additional hormone over and above this level, please consult with your doctor. Kenta is not a replacement for any treatment you are currently undergoing.
Dislcaimer: Kenta is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any medical condition. Individual results may vary.